Deadline for submission of proposals: March 31st 2025


QuanTIM webinar’s PhD student award recognizes outstanding achievements in the field of quantitative or qualitative methodological research in public health. This award has been created in order to promote and encourage young scientists at the very beginning of their career.

The award winner will receive 1 500 € to finance registration and/or travel to a scientific conference or to carry out a research stay in one of the SESSTIM’s teams. In addition, the award winner will be granted the last pannelist's spot of this season's QuanTIM Webinars during which she/he will present the winning work. Like any QuanTIM Webinars, the talk will be recorded and published on our social networks, website and Youtube channel. 

The PhD student award is open to students who have yet to finish their PhD but whose researches are advanced enough to be presented. Graduated students can also apply as long as they have graduated for less than 12 months.

The award

In recognition of her/his outstanding achievements, the award winner will be granted:

  • The last panellist’s spot at the QuanTIM webinars (on Zoom), during which she/he will present, in English, her/his work (40min, maximum, presentation and 15min of questions);
  • The presentation’s video will be put online on the SESSTIM's YouTube channel and the oral presentation’s support will be put online on the SESSTIM's website;
  • A certificate signed by SESSTIM;
  • A monetary prize of 1 500 euros for either: registration/travel to a conference or a research stay in one of the SESSTIM's teams.

How to apply?

You can create a new account or use your CCSD IDs (HAL, Scienceconf, Episciences) to log in.
In order to participate, candidates have to submit the following documents in a single PDF file:

List of documents:

  • Information about the application:
    • Surname, first name, city, country;
    • Date of first registration for thesis, main scientific discipline, title of thesis, keywords (5 maximum), expected date of defence or date of defence of thesis, University;
    • Thesis supervisor(s): Surname, first name, full affiliation;
    • Confirmation of eligibility criteria:
      • Thesis in the field of public health;
      • The work submitted presents methodological innovation, and not only an application on real data;
      • The work submitted has not already been accepted for publication;
      • The thesis supervisor has been informed;
      • Authorisation to publish the presentation's material and video on the SESSTIM's online platforms (website, Youtube and social networks);
      • Note acknowledgements if prizewinner.
  • Structured manuscript:
    • Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References;
    • Of a maximum of 5 pages;
    • Using the IOS Press template:
      The applications not respecting the template, or making changes to the format (margin and font size) will be rejected.
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